Saturday, September 6, 2008

Space Runner

The Space Runner

I am a Space Runner..

Recklessly searching

My home..the eternal bliss..

I am distracted by cloud of pleasure

inviting me to an orgy of ecstasy.

Brilliant stars of wonder colours..

Catch my eyes..

and I’m pulled towards them..

Diverting me from my goal

It is painstaking yet

my courage is strong and willful

For I’m running away..

Away from a globe of evil, thirst

And hate.. to a place

of serene, prosperity and emptiness

Which they call ‘Nibbana’.



DHAMZ said...

woow! well.........we all run like that aren't we? :)

pamithK said...

yes we do...i sent this to the newspaper but htey didnt publish it..maybe they thought i stole it from some old book..but i didnt..